Snow Lotus - Ginger Essential Oil 10ml
Ginger Essential Oil 10 ml
Warm, spicy with mild sweet-lemony notes ending with sweet-balsamic woody basenotes
Chinese medicine function: Tonify the Yang, warm the interior and resolve damp
For external use only. Properly dilute all essential oils in lotion or vegetable carrier oil before massage or other topical use. Keep out of reach of children and pets. If you are pregnant, nursing, have any health conditions, or are taking medications, please consult your healthcare provider prior to using essential oils.
Ginger Essential Oil 10 ml
Warm, spicy with mild sweet-lemony notes ending with sweet-balsamic woody basenotes
Chinese medicine function: Tonify the Yang, warm the interior and resolve damp
For external use only. Properly dilute all essential oils in lotion or vegetable carrier oil before massage or other topical use. Keep out of reach of children and pets. If you are pregnant, nursing, have any health conditions, or are taking medications, please consult your healthcare provider prior to using essential oils.
Ginger Essential Oil 10 ml
Warm, spicy with mild sweet-lemony notes ending with sweet-balsamic woody basenotes
Chinese medicine function: Tonify the Yang, warm the interior and resolve damp
For external use only. Properly dilute all essential oils in lotion or vegetable carrier oil before massage or other topical use. Keep out of reach of children and pets. If you are pregnant, nursing, have any health conditions, or are taking medications, please consult your healthcare provider prior to using essential oils.